
Shining For You (创作歌曲)

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吴亚聪(Daniel Goh)
Shining For You
作曲:吴亚聪(Daniel Goh)
I`ll always be there for you
a warm light you`ll only feel that`s all a moon could do
when you feel blue

oh when it`s noon and we all know
the sun is up to do it`s show
its light is blinding
till you can`t see me standing
just right beside you
oh if you`d only knew

I`ll always be there for you
if only you would say
time is never an issue

I`ll always be there for you
i`ll always be in view
in circles i will sway

oh when it`s night and the sun is done
you try to see but no you can`t
you started crying
but you can see me shining
just right above you
oh if you`d only feel
I`ll always be there for you
if only you would say
time is never an issue

I`ll always be there for you
a warm light you`ll only feel
that`s all a moon could do
when you feel blue

I`ll always be there for you
forever i will stay
and you`re not far away from my heart

oh no matter night or day you will find
that my love would know no time
oh stop your searching
so you can see me shining
I will be with you
oh till your time is due

I`ll always be there for you
if only you would say
time is never an issue
I`ll always be there for you
a warm light you`ll only feel
that`s all a moon could do
when you feel blue

I`ll always be there for you
a warm light you`ll only feel
that`s all a moon could do
when you feel blue

关键字:  daniel   goh   吴亚聪   创作歌曲